10 Ways To Instantly Make Your Home Feel Fresher

Home is something I am passionate about. Whether you’ve been out and about running errands for hours, on vacation for a weekend or a whole month, or even been stuck at work for those long nights, there’s just something so sweet about coming home.

Then sometimes, coming home, you quickly realize there’s something funky going on in that kitchen.

Or maybe you see that pile of laundry desperately waiting by the garage entry door, hoping that you’ll take it away to be cleansed and neatly folded back into its rightful place.

If you’re like me, coming home is something you want to enjoy because it’s your happy place. It’s a place where you gather and make memories with those you love. It’s a place of quiet retreat – a shield from the chaos of life. It’s a direct reflection of you and your story.

When our house is in chaos, it’s not quite as relaxing. We don’t unwind as easily as we do when it feels fresh and clean. We don’t invite people over as much as we’d like to. Keeping our home fresh is something that is necessary to it feeling like a peaceful place.

But what do you do when you don’t have all the time or energy in the world to keep it fresh?

We are human. We cannot constantly be slaving away to keep the house in constant perfection, because that’s not reality. I’m learning quickly that my goal for my home is that it should first and foremost be filled with the Lord’s presence and loads of prayer. But second to that, it should be kept well.

In a journey to learn what it looks like for me to keep the house well-kept in balance with reality, I’ve come up with 10 techniques I believe instantly make a huge impact of the feeling of our home. These ways to freshness help establish that sense of peace and relaxation that I feel is very important to have in the place you seek refuge to recharge. I hope that these tips help inspire you to find what works for you and that maybe you’ll adopt 3 or 4 of them into your own home care routine!

1. Clean the kitchen. I know – it’s like the worst way I could start this list off. But hear me out. When you first walk in the door, you’re going to smell whatever hasn’t been dealt with in your sink. We also frequently visit and take food from the kitchen throughout the day. Why not give that your most effort right from the beginning? I guarantee, it will give you a fresh start throughout your home.

2. Plug in fragrances. I believe that fragrance is a huge part of atmosphere. Whether you want to pick traditional store-bought fragrance plug-ins, or you want to go the essential oil route, it really adds to the feel of the home. It’s refreshing to walk through the door and smell a fragrance that you enjoy.

3. Put away clutter. I won’t lie to you – there are rooms in our home where we shove things when guests come over, or when we just want a break from things to do. I’m a believer that it’s okay to do this, as long as you come back to it. Sometimes it takes all your energy just to wash that entire pile of clothes. To put it all away in one day can be a tiresome task. Save it for the next day and just store it in another room. Freeing your home of clutter by putting things away, putting things in a different room or even sending things to the donation box in the garage is a great way to make your home feel fresh.

4. Open up the windows & curtains. Fresh air is a good thing, but so many forget that light is also important. Allowing light into your home revives the atmosphere. It makes it pleasant to be around. You see out into the grass in front or the trees in back, and it just provides a beautiful background to look at from inside the walls of your home. Fresh air is also refreshing. Don’t have a breeze going? Try turning on some of your fans or the whole house fan to get the air flowing in and out of the windows. It’s great!

5. Change the linens. One of my absolute favorite things to do is change our bed sheets. I always make sure they are just recently washed so they are at their freshest. Make the bed nice and neat. Change out the hand towels in the bathrooms, as well as the dish-drying rags in the kitchen. This makes a huge difference overall throughout the home.

6. Dust & wipe down. If you have wood furniture, dust it with citrus-scented wood polish. If you want to freshen up your bathrooms, wipe down the sinks, door knobs and toilet seats with citrus-scented bleach wipes. Obviously, do a thorough cleaning as needed, but this makes for a great in-between cleaning to do when you just need a freshening-up.

7. Ambiance. I’m a huge fan of ambiance. It’s not difficult to achieve. I scored these beautiful tea light candle votives from the dollar store that are dusted rose gold with speckled distress that allow the candle’s flame light to be spotty and flickered. I also only turn on certain lights in the house to keep the natural light sense throughout the home. Soft, cozy throw blankets and pillows also add to the feel of the living rooms. Little things go a long way when it comes to ambiance.

8. Wash the floors. I love wiping our floors down! We have faux hardwoods, and they are super durable, but they can collect puppy fur very easily. I simply place a wet mop wipe on the Swiffer mop and make my rounds around the house. There’s just something about knowing my floors are disinfected and freshly wiped down that makes me feel more relaxed in our home.

9. A special element. This can be different for every person, but I love to add intentionality to our home. Sometimes, I’ll bake a tray of my husband’s favorite cookies and display them in our glass cookie/cake case. Other times, I’ll purchase some fresh flowers and let them be the focal point in our kitchen. I can set up our kitchen table with an open and inviting theme by setting the table even when we have nothing planned yet. It’s all about intentionality. You know what matters to you! Just go and do that.

10. Prayer & anointing. The very essence of life is God. If you want Life Himself to be in your home, it’s life-changing to pray and intercede over it. Pray over every room and ask that God protect every area of it. Pray over the windows and doors for protection. Pray over the atmosphere, that God’s presence and peace would be felt everywhere. Pray over the pillows, that dreams and visions would be given as loved ones sleep. Anoint the doorposts and pray God’s blessings over everyone that enters and leaves your home. Pray for rest and restoration to be had in your home. There’s no fresher feeling than knowing and feeling God in your home.

Well there you have it, my friends! I hope this encourages you and inspired you! Have any tips that I missed? Leave a message for me in the comment section below! Like and share this post with your friends as well. I know we all could use some peace and relaxation in our homes!

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