Is Your Calling Good Enough For You?


It’s been a while since I’ve written.

From the beginning, my heart for this blog was to only write what I felt compelled to write by the Holy Spirit. This is a promise that I believe I have kept, which I am grateful for, yet it does leave you all wondering where I am from time to time – and for that, I apologize.

However, today, I come to you to share what God has impressed upon my heart to share.

I feel a burden for those who have been called to ministry, but their ministry does not look like they think it’s supposed to – it does not take the shape or form of the typical ministry.

When God began to reveal aspects of my own ministry to me, I was excited at first. It was just between Him and me, and I felt free to dream and rejoice and believe for all of the things He had spoken to me.

Then, I shared it with others, as I wanted more affirmation. That was a big mistake because I was not ready to share it – I was not strong enough to shut out the voices of everyone else. God was still developing things within me in the secret place, but I wanted approval and affirmation. What I received from others actually stole from me. People began to put their opinions on my calling and my ministry. When they heard that I feel called to speaking, in some way, they immediately gave me a list of expectations – a box that fit my category. When I spoke about how I am called to be a homemaker, I received glares, empty “congratulations”, and so many “that must be nice for you – I wish I had that kind of time” phrases said with a spirit of belittling.

I don’t reveal these things to you to receive pity or to passive-aggressively snap back at those who have wounded me. Rather, my heart wants to take yours closely and remind you of the calling God has given you.

The calling God has given you. 

How often do we try to make up in our minds what we should be doing, rather than what God has actually asked us to do? When we feel Him speaking to us about His desire for us to stay home, to work in the secular field, to start a blog, to make sandwiches for the homeless, to homeschool our children, to take in our niece or nephew, to write songs that will never take us on tour, to care for our grandma’s garden, to make freezer meals for new moms or grieving families or even just our neighbors, to take newlyweds out to dinner to check in on them, or even to grow a garden for our families, do we believe it’s less of a ministry because we aren’t a pastor in a church?

Do we belittle our own calling because it doesn’t look as popular as everyone else’s?

I have learned through time that sometimes the callings God speaks to our hearts about don’t make much sense at first. Sometimes they seem too small, too normal, too everyday, too unseen, too cliche or too uneventful. We so easily overlook the calling God has given to our hearts because of the way it’s wrapped. Many of these callings will never be acknowledged by an audience. They may never bring in extra money. We may never have a business card with booking information. We might not receive tax deductions. We may never hear “thank you”. But you know what I’ve also learned? We’ll rest better because we know that we are being obedient to do exactly what God has asked of us, despite what it looks like or who does not understand us.

I have to say this because there are so many people God has called who are not cultivating their gifts and purposes God has given them.

Your calling is not less than, just because you don’t have a microphone or a pulpit.

Pastors are so special and so necessary – please hear me on that. We need shepherds and teachers to instruct us in God’s ways. However, this is not the only ministry. This is not God’s only way of reaching the lost, reaching the broken and reaching the hungry.

We make so little of things that don’t look like church ministry, when in fact, God values all ministry!

God called you, and He will equip you. He wants you to step boldly into your workplace and be a light – to be the one your coworkers can depend on to listen to them, love on them and be there in a moment of need, like Christ.

If He called you to start a blog, He wants you to write and bring Him glory through the reality of your life – as messy and overwhelming as it is, even if it feels like there aren’t many reading it.

When He asked you to homeschool your child, it was for a reason that you may not understand until much later in life. You are teaching your child what they need to know. You are caring for them and growing them in a beautiful way. That is your ministry.

Every calling from God matters – it’s your God-given ministry that should not be taken lightly.

It’s so important that we accept gratefully whatever calling God has for us, because He picked it out specifically for us. He values the Billy Grahams, but He also values the mom who speaks into the lives of her children’s best friends on the car rides home from school. It’s not based upon achievements – it’s based upon obedience. 

I’m so saddened by the fact that so many of us are called to do something that doesn’t look like everyone else’s calling, and therefore we give up too soon because there’s no blueprint for it. Naturally, if you’re called to church ministry, there’s a variety of assumed things that will get you to the right positions – ministry school, connections with other pastors, experience as a youth leader, and so on. Once again, these positions are so necessary. We need our leaders, our pastors, and the authority God has placed within the religious community. However, we must learn to let go of what the assumed roadmap is for what He speaks. Rather, we must adjust our hearing to be more in tune with what God is telling us to do and which way He is asking us to go.

I know in my heart that one of my callings to speak is not supposed to be my everyday life. It’s supposed to be based upon my schedule and the Lord’s moving on behalf of each opportunity I receive. I know that I am called to be a mom and a wife and a homemaker. This is just an example when it comes to allowing the opinions of others to take over what God has already spoken. If I allowed the roadmap of being a speaker to take over my life, I would greatly miss what God has called me to do in all of the other necessary areas of my life and calling.

You are so unique, and the callings, gifts, talents and desires God has given you are all supposed to be used in His timing and His way. I want you to know that you matter, and your specific department of building God’s kingdom is so needed and valued. We need the thumbs, the backbone, the shins, the ears and the eyes – not just the hands and feet. We all make up the body of Christ. Some of us may be seed sowers, while others may be waterers, soil composters, pruners and harvesters. Stop comparing! You are important!

We have to learn to stop looking to the world for our affirmation. We need to learn to open up our ears and listen for the Holy Spirit’s instruction.

He may not call you to go to a Christian college. That’s okay – it’s for a reason. He may ask you to step into places that others won’t go. He may have you look into areas in your neighborhood that could use some fixing up. He may have you take your niece out to coffee once a month to check in on her. He may have you step out in faith to pay for someone’s groceries every now and then. He may have you spend time on your knees praying for all who cross your path. He may have you wake up in the middle of the night to write a book, or he may even ask you to write a blog for the first time.

Your ministry is unique. Your gifts and talents have been hand-chosen by God for such a time as this. If He is asking you, over and over, to start out on a trek with Him that doesn’t match up to what you’ve seen done around you, be brave and take it. Go with Him and do exactly as He asks you to. There is no small ministry. When He equips you and anoints you, you will do far more than you could comprehend or imagine because you are being obedient to His call.

I challenge you today to stop looking to others to affirm your calling. Stop chasing what everyone else is chasing, just because it’s always been done. I know that God has placed a special calling in your heart that He wants to use you for. Don’t let the world snuff it out. Fan into flame your gifts and talents. Use them for His glory, in His timing and His way.

I cannot wait to see what comes from your obedience to Him.



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